Headaches? Do This!
Are you always having headaches? If you work at a desk and stare down all day, your neck probably gets really tight. Then over time, the headache will start in the neck, it will travel up your neck, come over the top of your head and come towards your eyes. I know after a long day of work, I start to feel the same way and get the same aches and pains.
Chiropractic treatment for headaches
In our chiroprator office in Centennial, we’re often asked if chiropractic is good for headaches, and we’re happy to report it is. If caught early enough, a chiropractor can use methods to align and strengthen the foot so it can support you properly.
Some of the chiropractic treatments to cure headaches include:
- Adjustments to the neck- realigning the tissues of the neck can help reduce pain and regain proper motion and flexibility
- Spinal adjustments- if the spine is not aligned correctly, it can cause pressure on the neck, and headaches can be the result
- Stretches- performing specific foot stretches that eliminate pressure on the plantar fascia; these are done in our clinic and at home
- Exercises- specially designed exercises that enhance strength, mobility, and healing
- Sports chiropractic - solutions provided to athletic patients that utilize a full-body approach to your care, enhancing performance and finding balance
- Soft tissue treatments- help restore the function of the soft tissues. We use Active Release Technique and Graston Technique.
At Invictus Chiropractic, we know that you want to live in comfort and enjoy your physical activities, and we want to help make that happen. We’ll design a treatment plan around your needs and use solutions that complement each other for the most effective recovery process.
Where are these headaches coming from? Are they true headaches or are they headaches that are coming from my neck?
Test #1
This first test is just a simple range of motion test for the neck. Starting by laying on your back, try to pull your head up and tuck your chin down, towards your chest. Make sure you do not cheat and open your mouth to get closer to your chest. Simply, just see if you can bring your head up and get your chin close to your chest.
If you cannot touch your chin to your chest, it might be a good indication that you lack some range of motion in your neck and your headache is coming from your neck.
Test #2
The second test is similar to the first test but slightly different. This test starts by laying on your back and bringing your feet up and laying them flat on the table or ground. Without bringing your head up, try to tuck your chin to your chest. Then, while keeping your chin tucked, actively bring your head up a couple inches off of the table or ground.
If you struggle to hold this position for 30 seconds and there is a lot of feeling of straining in the front of your neck or if your chin cannot stay tucked, there is a good chance your headache is coming from your neck once again.
If you failed both of the tests and you think that your headache is coming from your neck, then maybe some stretching will help. This stretch is called the suboccipital stretch and it works on those tiny muscles in your neck that sit at the base of your skull.This should be a very gentle stretch. You can put one hand on your chin and one hand on the top of your head or just close to your forehead. Gently push down the hand on your chin while also gently pulling the top of your head down towards your chest.
You should have a stretch at the base of your skull that feels deep and relieving.
The second stretch is working on the common tight upper trap area that runs up and into the neck. This is the most common stretch I do as a chiropractor in Centennial.
What you will do is look away from one side, bring the shoulder you are looking away from down, and tuck your chin to your chest. For most people, this might be enough of a stretch and they will feel it all the way up their neck and almost to the base of their skull.
If you want to make it more of an intense stretch, just lightly, bring your chin a little bit further away from your opposite shoulder and just lightly use your hand and bring your head even further towards the shoulder you are looking towards.
The last exercise is strengthening the muscles of your mid and upper back. Using a light band, while holding the band in your hands, bend your elbows to about 90 degrees. Keep your palms facing each other and keep your elbows pinned towards your side, pull the band apart. When doing this, think about pulling your shoulder blades back and making sure your head does not shoot forward.
The takeaway
Don’t take risks with your health. If you’re experiencing foot pain, come visit our Centennial chiropractic clinic. Maybe the cause of your discomfort isn’t serious, but wouldn’t you rather know?
Try these tests, stretches, and strengthening exercises and see if they help you out. If not, you might need to see a chiropractor. I can help you out so give us a call. Cantact us to scheule an appointment!