Bicep Tendonitis Exercises!
Shoulder pain that tends to be in the front part of the shoulder often can come from bicep tendonitis or just general shoulder impingement.
In this post, we’ll discuss:
- What biceps tendonitis is
- How you get biceps tendonitis
- Symptoms of biceps tendonitis
- Chiropractic solutions that cure biceps tendonitis
- And more
If you’re curious about how chiropractic care can benefit your shoulder pain, read on.
What is biceps tendonitis?
Biceps tendonitis is an inflammatory condition in the shoulder that affects the arm and can be very painful, the soft tissue that runs the length of the arm. It usually stems from irritation near the shoulder, causing the area to feel discomfort; however, the entire shoudler can feel the symptoms.
In some cases, tension on the tendon causes it to tear, and although the tears are usually minor, patients may experience severe pain due to them.
How did I get biceps tendonitis?
Unfortunately, the condition can reach people of all ages and lifestyles, but it generally affects those who are over 40 and more active.
Often, the pain will come from improper warm-ups, increasing the workout volume or load too quickly, or even improper technique.
Things that cause plantar fasciitis and people who commonly get it include:
- Strength athletes
- Those who work overhead or carry heavy objects
- Those with poor thorcic mobility
- Those with arthritis
The ongoing or repetitive motion of the shoulder that leads to tearing, irritation, and inflammation causes imbalances, so it’s important to your body’s function that you seek medical care to ensure the shoulder gets and remains in good health.
A good quick shoulder warm-up example:
PVC pipe passes through with a wide grip (or broomstick or a dowel of any sort)
Banded pull-apart work
4-way shoulder taps
PVC Pipe Pass Throughs
Start with a wide grip that is well outside your shoulders. Keeping the elbows straight and locked out, move the PVC pipe up overhead all the way to your back. Then, from your back, you will move the PVC back the front of your body with your elbows still straight and locked out. The most important aspect of this stretch is to keep the elbows straight and have a wide grip that allows you to move the PVC up and over your head all the way to your back. In this movement, you will think about drawing the biggest circle with your hands you can. This will move your shoulders through a greater range of motion than if you were to bend your elbows to get the PVC overhead and to your back. The next key to this warmup is to make sure the movement is slow and controlled so that it is the most effective chest and shoulder stretch it can be. To progress the warm-up, slowly begin to inch your hands in to get more of a stretch but not so far that the elbows have to bend to get through the range of motion.
Banded Pull Apart Work
Using a lighter band, with your arms straight out in front, the band at eye level, pull the band apart so that you are activating all the muscles between your shoulder blades and stretching the band out wide until it touches your chest. There should be a straight in the chest as well as warming up some muscles in the upper back area and posterior shoulder. A common mistake is to make sure you are not shrugging up as you pull the band apart. The general rep scheme for this movement is around 10 reps.
The next movement will be a diagonal banded pull apart. One hand will be on the back side of the hip holding the band while the other hand comes across the body, with the elbow straight, the thumb down, pulling the band away from the opposite hip. The general rep scheme for this diagonal pull-apart is about 5 reps.
4 Way Shoulder Tap
Starting in a tall plank position, feet wide, hands about shoulder width apart, and squeezing your abs and butt. Take the right hand and tap the left shoulder than the left hand and tap the right shoulder. Then, take your right hand again and push into a high pike position and tap your left foot. Then switch hands while still in that pike position and tap your left hand to your right foot. Those 4 different touches will count as just one rep. A common mistake is to turn the entire body to balance while doing the different taps. Trying to keep the body as still as possible is the best way to get the most out of this warm-up.
In total, this warm-up should take 5-6 minutes and be a good way to help prevent shoulder discomfort during workouts.
Chiropractic treatments for plantar fasciitis
We’re often asked if chiropractic is good for plantar fasciitis, and we’re happy to report it is. If caught early enough, a chiropractor can use methods to align and strengthen the foot so it can support you properly.
Some of the chiropractic treatments to cure plantar fasciitis include:
- Adjustments to the shoulder - realigning the tissues of the shoudler can help reduce pain and regain proper motion and flexibility
- Spinal adjustments- if the spine is not aligned correctly, it can cause pressure on the shoulder, and biceps tendonitis can be the result
- Stretches- performing specific foot stretches that eliminate pressure on the plantar fascia; these are done in our clinic and at home
- Exercises- specially designed exercises that enhance strength, mobility, and healing
- Sports chiropractic - solutions provided to athletic patients that utilize a full-body approach to your care, enhancing performance and finding balance
- Soft tissue treatments- help restore the function of the soft tissues. We use Active Release Technique and Graston Technique.
At Invictus Chiropractic, we know that you want to live in comfort and enjoy your physical activities, and we want to help make that happen. We’ll design a treatment plan around your needs and use solutions that complement each other for the most effective recovery process.
The takeaway
Don’t take risks with your health. If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, come visit our Centennial, Colorado chiropractic clinic. Maybe the cause of your discomfort isn’t serious, but wouldn’t you rather know?
We’re ready to get you moving pain-free and confidently. Contact us today, and let’s start.